special care of Foot for patient with Diabetes problem - medicobrainlibrary

Care of patients with Diabetes:

Patient with Diabetes or peripheral vascular diseases risk for foot and nail problems because of lack of blood circulation to the feet, As a result, sensation in the feet is reduced.infection can easily develops due to poor circulation.
Do of care patient with feet and nails :

1. Identify and feel your feet daily for any blisters,open sores,cuts, color changes or growth defect of toe nails

2.Thoroughly wash your feet daily with antiseptic or soap and lukewarm water.and also need special care between your toes

3.Inspect your sleeper and your shoes everyday for pebbles, nails or any irritating objects.

4.wear comfortable sleeper and shoes that fit well

5.Keep your feet dry especially between toes. Use power, if needed

6.Clean and change your socks daily, socks must fit well, have no holes or tears

7.Trim toe nails straight across

8.Keep your skin soft, put lotion on top and bottom of your feet, don't apply between toes.

9. protect your feet from hot and clod

10. Follow up your physician order

Don't s :

1.Don't wear knees high and tight socks

2.Don't use heater, hot water bottles to warm your feet ( they can cause harm)

3. Don't wear tight shoes

4.Don't use high temperature water to wash your feet

5 . Don't let your feet get dry and cracked
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