what is vitamins? List of vitamins and their functions | source of vitamins - medicobrainlibrary

What is the vitamins ?

Vitamin was coined by casmir Funk ( Vital amines), Vital denoting essential for life and amines is a compounds contained functional group

Vitamins are essential organic, compounds that are needed in small amounts in the diet both to prevent deficiency diseases and to support optimal health

Characteristics of vitamins

- vitamins are necessary in only very small amounts to perform a specific metabolic function

- Prevent an associated deficiency diseases

-Vitamins are not synthesized by the body, must be supplied through food

List of Vitamins

Vitamin A ( Retinol and beta - carotene )

Vitamin A and carotene can be obtained from either animal or vegetables sources

Main Function of Vitamin A

- contribute to the production of retinal pigments
-supports growth
- Required for the normal function of epithelial and glandular tissue
-Aids in vision especially night vision promotes growth
-Development and reproduction of healthy skin cells
- Healthy immune system acts as an antioxidants

Recommended Dietary Allowance

1000 retinol equivalents (RE) (5000 1micro)

800 retinol equivalents to RE ( 4000  1micro)

Sources of Vitamin A

5.Whole milk
8.Yellow and green fruit

Vitamin A deficiency disease
1. Night blindness
2. Conjunctival xerosis
3.Corneal xerosis
4.Bitot's spot

Vitamin D

Human body can produce v vitamin D from cholesterol present in the skin.This conversion depend on exposure of the skin to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight and Yields inactive provitamins D Both inactive vitamin D formed in the skin and Vitamin D absorbed from dietary sources are transported through the bloodstream to the liver

Main function of Vitamin D

1.Vitamin D helps with absorption transport use of calcium
2. Promotes intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate
3.Stimulates normal mineralization
4. Permits normal growth
5.vitamin D assist in bone growth and promotes Strong teeth

Recommended Dietary Allowance

-Vitamin D recommend dietary allowance for 5 to 10 micro gram

Main sources of Vitamin D

1. Liver
2. Egg
4. Butter
5. Cheese
6. Sunlight

Vitamin D deficiency disease

1. Rickets faulty bone formation in children
2. Osteomalacia ( Softening of bones ) in adults

Vitamins E ( Tocopherol)

Vitamin E is an essential fat soluble vitamin that includes eight naturally occurring compounds

vitamin E is an effective chain breaking,
liquid soluble antioxidant in biological membranes and aids in membrane stability.

Main function of Vitamin E

1.vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which protects cell from oxidation and neutralizes unstable free radicals.

2.This antioxidant capability also help to prevent degenerative disease like heart disease, strokes, arthritis, diabetes and cancers.

3. Vitamin d is also useful in preventing blood clots forming

4. Vitamin E is also used topically to great effect for skin treatment to helping the skin look younger, promoting healing and cutting down the risk of scar tissue forming.

Sources of Vitamin E

1. Vegetable oil
2. Cotton seed
3. Sunflower seed
4. Egg yolk
5. Butter

Recommended Dietary Allowance

Vitamin E Recommended  Dietary Allowance for 20 to 25 mg

Vitamin E Deficiency Diseases

relatively non-toxic use of supplements with 80 times or more of the RDA may causes symptoms such as a muscular weakness fatigue and nausea.

Vitamin k 

Vitamin k can be produced in the intestines and this function is improved with the presence of cultured milk, like yogurt in the diet

Main function of Vitamin K

1.major function of vitamin k is to promote coagulation of blood after injury thereby preventing hemorrhaging

2. Vitamin k is necessary for the synthesis of prothrombin

3. Vitamin k involved in bone formation and repair

4. Vitamin k assist in converting glucose to glycogen in the intestines

5. Vitamin k may decrease the incidence of severity of osteoporosis

Recommended Dietary Allowance

Vitamin k recommended Dietary Allowance for men 70 to 80 micro gram and women 60 to 65 micro gram

Main source of vitamin k

1. Green leafy vegetables ( eg : turnip greens, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce )

Vitamin K deficiency disease

excessive synthetic supplementation can causes toxic symptoms in infants symptoms include anaemia and jaundice

Vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin c it ensure the optimal physiological functioning and to prevent  subclinical deficiencies a person need to consume a good source of vitamin c everyday because the body normally store only small amount of Vitamin c

Main function of vitamin C

1. Vitamin C is required in the synthesis of collagen in the connective tissue
2. Vitamin C is required for the conversion of the cholesterol to bile acids
3. Vitamin C is needed for healthy gum to help protect against infection

Main sources of vitamin C
1. Fresh fruits
2. Green leafy
3. Vegetables
4. Fresh meat
5. Fish

Recommended Dietary Allowance

Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C 60 to 70 mg

Vitamin c deficiency Disease

Vitamin C relatively  non-toxic supplement abuse may cause diarrhoea

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 otherwise called Thiamine, is used in many different body function.

Functioning of Vitamin B1

1.Thiamine  may enhance circulation
2. Thiamine required for the health of nervous system
3. It's used in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid
4. In children it is required for good appetite and proper growth

Recommended Dietary Allowance

The adult RDA for Thiamine 1 to 1.5 mg

Main source of vitamin B1
1. Cereals
2. Wheat
3. Pulses
4. Nuts
5. Fish
6. Egg
7. Vegetables

Vitamin B1 deficiency Disease

1.wernickes encephalopathy


Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 also called Niacin , can be manufactured by the body

Main function of vitamin B2

1. Niacin plays a role in tissue respiration

2. Niacin involved in the synthesis and breakdown of  fats, and maintain healthy skin

Sources of vitamin B2

1.green leafy vegetables
4. Milk

Recommended Dietary Allowance

Men 1.4 to 1.9 mg
Women 1.1 to 1.5 mg

Vitamin B2 deficiencies Diseases
Common symptoms such as a
1. Dermatitis
2.inflamed eyelids
3. Photophobia

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

 Niacin also called nicotine acid, can be manufactured by the body

Main function of vitamin B3

-metabolism of carbohydrate
-essential for the normal function of skin intestine and nervous tissue

Sources of vitamin B3

1. Poultry
3. Fish legumes

Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin B3
- men 16 to 21 mg
- women 12 to 16 mg

Vitamin B3 deficiency Disease

1. High dose supplements, symptoms include flushing ,

2. Liver damage

3. Increased of uric acid and glucose in blood

Vitamin B6 

Pyridoxine is a part of the b group vitamins it is a water soluble and its required for both mental and physical health

Main function of Vitamin B6

1. It's essential for metabolism of protein, fats and carbohydrate

2. It's promote red blood cells production

3. It is linked to cancer immunity and fights the formation of the toxic chemicals homocysteine

Main source of vitamin B6

2. chicken
3. Carrots
4. Fish
5. Liver

Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin B6 

- RDA - 2.0mg

Vitamin B6 Deficiency Diseases

2. Anemia
3. Skin changes such as a dermatitis
4. Asthma and Allergies might developed

Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acids,) it's specific role in the biosynthesis of corticosteroids

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 otherwise called Ascorbic acid

Main function of Vitamin B12

 It cooperates with folate in the biosynthesis of DNA

Main source of vitamin B12

1. Cheese
2. Milk
5. Meat

Vitamin B12 deficiencies can causes megaloblastic anemia.

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