world Tuberculosis day 2021 - medicobrainlibrary

Tuberculosis is highly communicable disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis,when the bacilus reaches a susceptible site, it multiple freely

mycobacterium primarily affect pulmonary system especially the upper lobes where the oxygen content is highest but also can affect other areas of the body such as a brain, intestine, peritoneum, kidney, joint and liver

What is world Tuberculosis day 2021?

Every year March 24 we celebrate world TB day, commemorates the date in 1882 Dr.Robert Koch announced  his discovery of mycobacterium tuberculosis that bacillus causes Tuberculosis

What's is 2021 theme of world TB day?

World TB day 2021 theme is "The Clock is  Ticking "conveys the sense that the world is running out of time to act on the commitment to end TB made by global leaders

What is the purpose of celebrate world TB day 2021?

Main purpose of celebrate world TB day raise public awareness educate the public about impact of TB around the world health and social economic consequences of TB

Tuberculosis one of the world deadline infection everyday nearly 4000 lose their lives, nearly 28,000 people fall ill in this disease

Signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis such as a

1. May be asymptomatic in primary infection

2 persistent cough and the production of mucoid and mucopurulent sputum with blood

3. Fatigue



6. Weight loss

7. low grade of fever

8. Night sweats

Every year conducted campaign and health program reducing the burden of disease, TB is a preventable and treatable disease, while detect early

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